You Can’t Say That – Party Games

Summary:A party game where the guests are given a word they cannot say during the whole event


Ages: From 14 and up


Recommended Number of Players:
5 or more


One beaded necklace for each player
A large safety pin would also work in place of the beaded necklace


Set Up:
Give each player one beaded necklace to wear


How to Play:
Choose a word that your guests can not say during the whole party. If you are at a baby shower, the word could be “baby”, or at a birthday party the word could be “birthday.” The trick is to choose a word that is likely to come up in conversation often.

Give each guest a beaded necklace as they come to the party. Let them know what word they are banned from saying. If anyone at the party hears a player say this word, they turn to that person and say “You Can’t Say That!” and then takes the beaded necklace from that player and puts it around their own neck.

If a player has more than one necklace and is heard saying the forbidden word, then the player gives ALL her necklaces to the player who caught her.


The player with the most necklaces at the end of the party wins a prize.